Do you ride your bike to school? How about make your own Biodiesel? Have you installed solar panels on your roof? Maybe you just recycle every scrap of waste you can find. Lots of us live green lifestyles. We eat local, we walk instead of use the car, we buy stuff with less packaging. Now it’s your chance to be rewarded for all your good deeds. Riverwired, along with Penguin Young Readers are presenting the “GREENEST FAMILY IN AMERICA!” contest.
Entering is simple, sign up for a Riverwired account and post a video of picture of you or your family doing something good for the planet. The entries will be collected until September 1st 2007.
A panel of judges, will then select 10 finalists based on Environmental Conservation/â€Greenness†of household (50%), Creativity (25%) and Film making or Photographic Quality (25%). Then the voting begins! Visit www.riverwired.com/greenestfamily and VOTE for the Greenest Family in America! The First Place Prize Winner will receive a $1,000 American Express Gift Card, a $1,000 gift certificate to Whole Foods, an autographed copy of An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth DVD. It’s about time you started getting a reward for all your hard work.
For complete details please read the Official Rules.