Day 481:
Keep the focus on inequality
Analysis: If you’re rich, you’re more lucky than smart. And there’s math to prove it
‘CEOs don’t want this released’: US study lays bare extreme pay-ratio problem
Tax the rich, or eat the rich, let the rich decide.
Further Reading:
Trump and Kim sign a “comprehensive” agreement of no real substance
Trump on lack of notes from Kim meeting: ‘I have one of the great memories of all time’
Solar Surpasses Gas and Wind as Biggest Source of New U.S. Power
Dear Democratic party: it’s time to stop rigging the primaries
It looks like China knew about Trump stopping war games before the US military or South Korea did
Trump: I told Kim he could have ‘the best hotels in the world’
Kim commits to ‘complete denuclearisation of Korean Peninsula’ in joint text
Rep. Pramila Jayapal—‘They Could Hear Their Children Screaming for Them in the Next Room’
Senate blocks ZTE deal in rebuke of Trump deal
Ajit Pai Is Twisting the Meaning of the “Open Internet”
Brexit donor Arron Banks admits giving Trump campaign phone number to Russian government
the only way the president has the powers to fuck around with tarrifs is if it is a national security issue, Trump has been on tv and tweeted multiple times that he is doing it for non-national security reasons.
These are illegal actions, the president is seizing power and setting a dangerous precedent. A trend that the last couple presidents have mad a nasty habit of. Bush with declaring war and making a police surveillance state, Obama with the same, and drones, and cracking down on leakers, now Trump with all those same crimes, plus these new ones.
Fucking hell, we are slouching our way towards a fucking dictator.
Trump Was Outfoxed in Singapore
Why are Republicans so determined to discourage people from voting? (Hint: its because serving your corporate overlords, is fundamentally incompatible with serving the people)
Several prominent Russians had contact with NRA during 2016 campaign
Ivanka Trump made $3.9 million from D.C. hotel in 2017
Conway’s husband pens article defending constitutionality of Mueller probe
Trump toes Kim Jong Un’s line in a bizarre press conference on no sleep after the summit
Why We Are So Vulnerable to Charlatans Like Trump
Finally, a president with the guts to stand up to Canada
Ex-CIA official: Seeing the U.S. flag used as backdrop for Kim is ‘disgusting’
Fox News analyst: ‘Disconcerting’ to see Trump say he’s honored to shake hands with Kim Jong Un
Trump’s affinity for dictators over democrats
White House restricts US press access to Kim Jong Un summit
Ex-GOP lawmaker: No president has ever praised a dictator the way Trump has with Kim
State Department Spokeswoman Bashes CNN For Missing Event Closed To The Press
Tools of change:
Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit? Want to do something about it?
Calling your government representative:
Call your Senator
Call your House Rep (Or use this spreadsheet)
Call your Governor
Call your Attorney General
Or try this website
Fax Congress here (free!)
You can also use if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.
Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump. You can also call other states congress people and threaten to donate to their opponent if they don’t do what you want.
Phone Bank for Progressive Candidates:
Call the White House:
Call the “White House”:
Use this website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).
Do a little Slacktivism:
Send Some Text Messages for progressive causes (I know it says textforbernie, but its for a range of progressive candidates) Or you can have your texts turned into faxes by the ResistBot
Go to a town hall and talk to your congress person in person:
Check when the next town hall is here
Monitor your congressperson:
Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.
See how your elected representatives are voting for or against Trump.
Also be sure to keep track if you live in a district with an upcoming flip-able seat (flip to the left that is)
See if you have a special election in your area!
Is your mayor up for election? Find out, get involved!
Upcoming house votes:
Upcoming senate bills:
Monitor Trumps Conflict of Interests:
General Guides:
Guidelines by former Congress staffers on how to get Congress to listen.
Run For Office!:
Remove the Corporate Democrats!:
Join the fight to clean out the democratic party: Justice Democrats!
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