Fighting Climate Denial At A Local Level

The NCSE helped greatly with the fight against teaching creationism in school, is it time to start the same kind of program for climate denial? I would say so. With nearly all elected Republicans stating that they are climate deniers, its clear that the public has not gotten the message that the science is all on the side of man made global warming.

If people truly understood the dangers of global warming, there is no way in hell they would vote for anyone that denied its dangers. It would be like voting for someone who thought putting poison in the water was good for you. You wouldn’t elect someone who was running on that platform, because you understand that drinking poison is not a good way for humans to live well.

Most of the time people will do what a vast majority of scientists agree upon, but for some reason politics has been injected into a small subset of scientific questions. I really don’t understand why everyone believes scientists when they tell them not to eat raw meat because they will get nasty bacteria, but don’t believe them when they tell them they share a common ancestor with apes…