Sierra Club Keeps It’s 100th Dirty Coal Plant From Being Built!

There is a revolution going on in America. We are getting sick of the same old dirty coal plants, and are fighting hard to demand renewable energy. The Sierra club has recently stopped it’s 100th(!) dirty coal plant from being built.

Coal provides about half of our electricity and more than 30% of our global warming pollution. From the mine to the plant, coal is our dirtiest energy source. It causes asthma and other health problems, destroys our mountains, and releases toxic mercury into our communities. Continuing our dependence on coal chains us to dirty energy and prevents us from making the changes we need to bring about a clean, secure energy future. Coal plants are a leading cause of respiratory illness, they account for over 30% of our nation’s carbon dioxide emissions, and, because of impending carbon pricing, are rapidly becoming more expensive. Yet there are still plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants across the U.S.(via)

Check out the list of coal plants still being opposed here, Find the dirty coal plants in your area here, and if you want to get involved stopping dirty coal, click here.