Bikes Plus Burritos Equals The Burrito Project

The first rule of the burrito project is you don’t talk about the burrito project. The idea of the burrito project is to make burritos and then ride around on your bike giving them away to people that need them. The reason why your not supposed to talk about it is because its not about getting famous, its about helping people. Which means I am breaking the first rule, but hey this is just too cool to keep to myself. In fact I like it so much I will actually link to their myspace page, because the idea is that good. (warning, myspace, abandon hope all ye who enter)

Los Angeles Burrito Project Part 1 of 2

Los Angeles Burrito Project Part 2 of 2

I have to admit that the idea of making food, then riding around town giving it away to people makes me happy all over. Biking is about the purest form of relaxation/most fun thing I ever do, combining it with a worthy cause elevates that fun to a whole new level.

burrito project(via)

So you interested in starting your own burrito project?

Here is what you do.

  • Get some stuff (rice, beans, salsa, tortillas, foil, paper)
  • Make some burritos
  • Get a bike
  • Go give them out

Simple right. Start your own project where you live, its easy and fun.