Monday Confessional

It is going to be in the 60’s tomorrow. I am a little surprised, and somewhat scared that it is going to be so warm in the middle of January. But I guess since I plan on living for at least 40 more years, and the world doesn’t seem to be getting its act together very fast on solving global warming that I had better get used to stuff like this.

I wonder if I will be that old guy that says things like “in my day we had snow” or “in my day a man could buy cloths from a store” or “in my day kids used to go to school instead of labor camps.” Or maybe I get to be the guy that says things like “in my day we used to burn fossil fuels for transportation, not like your high falutin E-lectric hot rods you kids are driving around today, too damn fast I tell ya.” or “in my day wind turbine technology had just gotten started, we didn’t have your fancy high altitude gigawatt turbines like you wipper snappers do today.”

I sure hope I get to be the guy telling stories of the last carbon war, and the last dirty power plant, and how we saved ourselves with peace and renewable energy. I really hope I am not the guy explaining to the dregs of human civilization about how we used to be able to feed ourselves without slave labor. I once read that you don’t inherit the world from the previous generation, you borrow it from the next generation, I have been thinking about this a lot, and I wonder what kind of world I am leaving them.

It seems we are such a focal point for change, such an important turning point in the history of our species. I can only hope that we pull our heads out of our collective ass’ and do something about the problems we face. I will be thinking about this stuff when I vote for our next president, when I make my next purchase, when I choose what food I eat, when I decide what to use for transportation, and most importantly how I live my life on a daily basis. I welcome you to do the same.