Monday Confessional

Wow, it snowed like crazy today. Which is strange because it was in the low 60’s last week. The weather gods have given up on us. Luckily thanks to the miracle of the telecommute I got to stay and work from my “cubicle away from work” aka my apartment. I am surprisingly effective at getting work done when I don’t have to put on pants.

I still took the bike today. No snow day would be complete with out the mandatory snow riding. It was great, slip and slide and all over. Lets hope that at least the main roads are ready for me to thrash by Tuesday. By the looks of things they will be.

I will be heading out to the Mayors state of the city speech Tuesday night. I was invited by the cities new bicycle czar to ride my bike to the event, so damn it I will! Not like I wasn’t going to be on my bike anyway, but it’s a good chance to show “the man” that I support more bike infrastructure.

Other than that I have been working on a little side project, that I will maybe unveiling soon. Lets just say that if you are a biker in Boston well I have something nice for you soon. (hint: It involves bicycles, Boston and the internet)

In other news, the bloggers over at MySietch are going nuts lately, with Keith, RedStateGreen and others really putting out some nice posts. If you are interested in getting your own free green blog head on over and check it out. Even if you don’t start one of your own, you should check out theirs as they are writing some really amazing and thought provoking posts.