China Bans The Bag

Joining an ever growing list of places that are fed up with the mess left over from the rampant use of plastic bags China (!) has decided they are going to ban them. China is not known for its environmental track record, but with 1.3 billion people anytime they do anything (even little things) good for the planet it is amplified by a very large amount.

China’s State Council put a nationwide ban on all plastic bags, they are now demanding that all stores go plastic-bag free after June 1st. China uses more plastic bags than any other country (even us gluttons here in the USA), wasting 37 million barrels of crude oil a year on plastic bag production.

So now that Ireland, Uganda, and a whole slew of others have been joined by China in the great bag ban, it is still a wonder that the United states continues to waste oil and money on these horrible little things.

Until we wake up and start using reusable bags in this country here are a couple good things to do with all them extra bags.

You can make yarn from plastic bags, or make a wide array of other things from bags.