I Like Subvertising

Endanger Me

When I started The Unsuitablog in earnest a few weeks ago I thought I would be using images gleaned from web sites, and the occasional scan from press adverts. Little did I realise that it would be far more fun to take those images, and some of the more PR-friendly ones that the companies and organizations under the spotlight offer, and turn them into something that they didn’t quite intend.

Ho hum!

Can you really blame me for writing “Endanger Me!” under the picture of a seductively posed cheetah (I think it’s a cheetah, the pose is oddly distracting!), or augmenting WWF’s corporate strapline “for a living planet” with “corporate money” and a cheeky “?” at the end? Once you start, it’s difficult to stop, and some of these targets really deserve subvertising.

There is a gallery of the images at http://thesietch.org/mysietch/keith/subvertising-gallery/, and you are free to use them so long as you say where they came from.

I feel some more mischief coming on…