Iraqi Opinion Poll, Bush Gets Shoes Thrown At Him

Seriously? Seriously! Holy crap dude threw his shoes at that idiot. I mean part of me is like, YEA HIT HIM WITH SHOES! The other part of me is like, what the fuck no secret service guys jumped out and took a shoe for the president?! Then a third part of me is like, wow Bush is good at dodging things…then I realize that that is exactly what he has been doing for years now, dodging things.

Like remember that time he violated all of our rights by wire tapping us, ohh that was funny. Or that time he had that illegal war because he lied about the weapons of mass destruction! That card! Or this is great, remember that time he destroyed the economy, and the environment, AND America’s image abroad ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

Ohh man, this is by far the worst fucking president we have ever, ever, ever, had. I hope people throw shoes at him for the rest of his life, so that every time a stinky size ten Nike goes flying past his noggin he remembers what a complete and utter failure he has been.