New Heavy Future Chapter Out

The newest Heavy Future chapter just dropped, hurray! This time with zombies! (sorta)

Now I know how zombies feel. Every muscle hurt, every sinew ached, every fiber of my being screamed out “fall down and die you fool!” Yet we moved. Fueled by a noxious cocktail of hate, despair, and fear, we shambled forth towards the center of the park. Brains were on the menu, and we were going to get us some.

Above us the sky was a whirling dervish, a chaotic maelstrom of black clouds and lightning. All around us the remnant bullshit of humanity swirled in the ever stronger winds. That guy from the “will it blend” viral videos came to mind. I became convinced that at any point Mother Nature was going to turn the earth upside down and pour out the dusty remains of this once proud megalopolis and a big YES with a check mark next too it would appear in the sky. We got moving.

Seriously this person needs to write more, I hate waiting for each chapter…but it’s good go check it out.