Give A Group Gift of Water This Holiday



$30 gives one person a lifetime of safe water
$30 gives one person a lifetime of safe water


Round up your friends this holiday and make a pact NOT to exchange gifts! Avoid the excess packaging and stress of trying to figure out what to get people (who likely do not need anything). 

Instead have a delicious potluck holiday gathering and give the gift of water! Over 1 billion people on the planet don’t have access to safe drinking water. You can become a hero – just add water!

Show a Blue Planet Run slideshow:

or watch one of the videos:

Collect tax deductible donations from those who would like to contribute. $30 = 1 person with safe drinking water for life.

Checks can be made to Blue Planet Run Foundation. Mail to Holiday Gift of Water Program, Blue Planet Run Foundation, 500 Sansome Street, Suite 205, San Francisco, CA  94111

* Hosts who can collect $1,000 or more will receive Blue Planet Run, the award winning coffee table photo essay book that covers the global water issues, solutions and heroes.

For a solo act, you may choose to send an e-card or make a donation on our main website