The Hummer Driving Academy. Yeah!

This just in from the boys at Hummer!

Did you ever drive up dunes, go over rocks and mountains, cross a river? Is your heart beating faster at the thought of driving a HUMMER, or are you already a passionate HUMMER owner?

Now you can experience 1.300 unforgettable kilometres through the fascinating countryside of Morocco and go all-terrain with a car just as many-sided as the landscape you conquer with it.

Learn how to really drive off-road – at the first training of our newly created HUMMER Driving Academy. It will take place in Morocco starting on the 7th of November 2008, and we offer it to you for a special introduction price of €3.995 for a team of two persons.

Included are: the use of a HUMMER H3 3.7 Automatic with fuel, 4 overnight stays in exclusive hotels, 1 overnight stay in a bivouac in the desert, and lunch and dinner for two persons.

Don’t miss out on one of the greatest HUMMER off-road events and register now.

See you soon,
your HUMMER Driving Academy team.

And you should probably watch this…


Just thought you should know what some people are doing while the planet burns.