Take Action!Contact Your Senators And Urge Them To Vote For The PTC Extension

The Senate will vote on the Baucus/Grassley Amendment to H.R. 6049, which contains an extension of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy for an additional year. The Senate will also vote on the final passage of H.R. 6049. If the Senate passes the bill, it will quickly move to the House of Representatives where it will be voted on later this week. This could be that last opportunity this year for Congress to extend the PTC. We must urge Congress to successfully pass an extension of the PTC, which is set to expire at the end of 2008, before they adjourn for recess at the end of the week.

Wind energy is not only a significant component of the global warming solution, but also a powerful engine in the U.S. economy. Since January 2007, more than 40 wind industry manufacturing facilities have been announced, brought online, or expanded in the U.S., creating over 9,000 jobs and $1 billion in manufacturing investment. When the PTC has lapsed in the past, wind energy investments have fallen 73-93% in the following years. We cannot allow this bright spot in our economy to burn out.

Please contact your Senators and urge them to vote Yes on the Baucus/Grassley Amendment to H.R. 6049 and the Yes on the final passage of H.R. 6049.

One thought on “Take Action!Contact Your Senators And Urge Them To Vote For The PTC Extension”

  1. AGW Skeptics promote THE BIG LIE, just as they have since the days of Rachel Carson, when I was a child.

    Either unwittingly or perversely, we have people who are distorting and seeking to deny what everyone knows to be real, I believe, for the sake of protecting their selfish interests and the interests of their benefactors.

    Look at the behavior of the current powerbrokers of the human community’s global economy. Many too many of them have determined that the global economy exists for their benefit……not for the improvement of the wellbeing of humanity, not for the protection of life as we know it, not to preserve the Earth and its environs. They neglect, and express token regard for, the family of humanity, global biodiversity, the environment and Earth’s body. Actually, they are adamantly engaged in little else than “feathering their own nests.”

    The self-proclaimed “Masters of the Universe” among us, including the Bilderbergers from whom we have heard this week, as well as the members of The Trilateral Commission, expect only that their `inalienable rights’ to plunder natural resources and conspicuously consume them be condoned.

    Do not dare to disturb them.

    Steven Earl Salmony
    AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population,
    established 2001

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