Richard Dreyfuss: What Americans Didn’t Hear Last Night

For the last week I have been going to bed really late, partly because I have been rewriting bits of my book, but mainly because the rest of my family have gone on holiday with my mother-in-law and I’ve just forgotten to go to bed. Conveniently, it’s given me a chance to listen to selected Democratic Convention speeches on the radio – being about 8 hours ahead, interesting things don’t start happening in the UK until about 2am.

Following a fairly predictable, rabble-rousing speech by Al Gore — nothing wrong with it, just that not being partisan in any way I find it difficult to get excited about anything in politics except, perhaps, when a politician makes a complete ass of themselves — the commentator on BBC Five Live continued his conversation with Richard Dreyfuss. What transpired may have been heard before by American listeners — maybe not — but to hear it coming in the context of a slick, well-managed political rally was a joy to hear!

See what you think…

richard Dreyfuss Talks About The Last 8 Years

Now that’s more like it.