Water Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink

access to clean drinking water

If you cant read this map, it basically shows that people in most of Africa, Much of Asia, and a fair part of South America have very poor access to clean water. Even though most of the Earth is covered with water, hardly any of it is drinkable. With over pumping of aquifers, pollution, and over use for industrial use, it is even harder for many people to find clean water to drink.

This lack of clean water leads to millions of deaths each year from easy to cure water born parasites and bacteria. The man who invented the Segway thinks he might have one answer.Combined with solar power, or a wind turbine this machine could revolutionize the way much of the world gets water. The obvious problem is that these sort of machines most likely contain complicated parts, parts that can break, parts that cost a lot of money, and parts that are hard to get to places that need them. This doesn’t even take into account the problem of training people how to use them. But I would hope that a country (ours) that can spend more than a trillion dollars on killing people (the Iraq War) could find it in its heart to spend at least a couple billion brining clean drinking water to the world.

More info here.

Of course its not as cool as this.