We Made The Top Fifty Eco-Blogs List!

smile cat

Not only are we famous in China, and on some peoples top ten must read list, but the Times Online in the UK things we are among the “must read” eco-blogs on the internet. Gosh chaps, your gonna make a fellow blush. (I am trying to type British, I have a feeling I am failing)

The Sietch Blog
Proof that ‘eco warriors’ need not be humourless party poopers, the Sietch Blog is the voice of the Sietch Community
(‘A community of friends changing the world for the better’). It
presents serious information and analysis, as well as light-hearted
stories, such as the bicycle forklift.

Not to be outshined, our good friend Keith also made the list for his new The Unsuitablog! Way to go Keith!

The Unsuitablog
Seeks to name and shame companies engaging in environmental hypocrisy. Check
out the ‘subvertising’ gallery for advertising campaigns altered to
expose environmental hypocrites

Thanks Times Online! And thanks to everyone that helps make The Sietch Blog what it is. I couldn’t do it without all of you. Be sure to check out the list to get in touch with lots of other good green sites on the net.