Checking In With The Good People Over At MySietch

As you may or may not know, The Sietch offers visitors to the site the option to get their very own fully functioning website of their own (for free!). MySietch is free, fast and easy to set up and best of all super fun. If you are interested in getting your own website sign up here.

So lets see whats going on with some of the regulars.

Red State Green:

RSG is one of our most prolific bloggers, she has an amazing site filled to the brim with useful and interesting ideas. I especially liked her recent article about planting seedlings for this springs garden.

All you need is dirt and something to hold it in. I like the paper egg cartons because you can just cut them apart and put the whole thing in the ground, plant, cup and all. You can get special potting soil but I know people who just use regular dirt or compost and do fine. Other people like making pots out of paper or you can go to a garden shop and buy the pre-made paper pots.

The Unsuitablog:

Keith one of the authors here at the main page has started a devilishly clever and insightful side blog about the perils of green advertising. He exposes and lampoons a lot of companies and their attempts at “green washing” (that is saying they are green while not doing anything to be green). Keith is great, you should for sure check his stuff out, and he is also becoming very good with photoshop.

world bank

Nice guy Robert Zoellick. Hand-picked by George Bush in 2007 to ensure the interests of the USA remain paramount in the policies of one of the world’s largest money lenders, his replacement of the shamed Paul Wolfowitz was really a like-for-like swap, so it’s no surprise that the World Bank is in the news again as arch hypocrites.


Greenspree has been hard at work building his amazing straw bale home in Canada. He has recently been updating the site with some fantastic pictures of the work as it progresses. I admire him a lot for his hard work and want to congratulate him on being an all around green guy.

Leave the gun take the canoli

Julia is doing amazing work in New York, and you should check out her amazing stories of helping those that need it most. Her stories are always uplifting, without holding back any of the true nature of the work. For a complex but positive view of philanthropy I would give her blog a look.

January is a cold, cruel month. The philanthropic spirit of the holidays vaporises around the time that Christmas trees become mulch. The midnight oil burns in board rooms of non-profits as exec’s brainstorm ways to find donors and fill seats at their spring fundraisers. This is the month when the dilettantes sleep in on Saturdays, leaving preeminent volunteers from Caring Community and New York Cares to brave the weather and visit the shut-ins of Manhattan.

This week my NYCares crew and a dozen members from Kingston Church in Michigan joined my fantastic five, Lauren and Marciano Estigarriba, Tom Vilar, Ginger (Wild Hearts) and Joel Mejia (Things Are Changing), as they helped alleviate hunger and loneliness in Greenwich Village.

If you ever get the blogging bug, or perhaps want a site for your organization and don’t want to have to pay for it, go sign up for a site on MySietch. You wont be sorry