Call Congress NOW

Today, Tuesday, the Senate will vote on S.2248, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendments (FISA) Act of 2007. It leaves the so-called Protect America Act largely intact, and adds a provision giving immunity from lawsuits to the telecoms that participated in the White House’s warrantless domestic spying program.

Please call your Senators and Representative NOW. Ask them to oppose any final fix which includes immunity for the telecoms and does not protect our civil liberties by requiring individualized warrants before Americans are wiretapped.

For those of you that live in MA

Sen. Kennedy: (202) 224-4543
Sen. Kerry: (202) 224-2742

Rep. Capuano: (202) 225-5111
Rep. Delahunt: (202) 225-3111
Rep. Frank: (202) 225-5931
Rep. Lynch: (202) 225-8273
Rep. Markey: (202) 225-2836
Rep. McGovern: (202) 225-6101
Rep. Neal: (202) 225-5601
Rep. Olver: (202) 225-5335
Rep. Tierney: (202) 225-8020
Rep. Tsongas: (202) 225-3411

If you’re not sure who your Congressional Representative is, you can find out here.

Whatever the Senate passes today will be reconciled with the Restore Act passed by the House last year. The Restore Act does not include the immunity provision, but is still deeply flawed because it does not provide for individualized warrants when Americans are put under surveillance.

You can also get more background on this issue, and read the latest Civil Liberties Update from the ACLU of Massachusetts.

This can not happen, it just can’t.