The Congress Fails At Life

congress fails at life

Not only did the Senate pass the FISA immunity bill (welcome to the land of government sponsored immunity for ravaging the constitution), but they also failed to pass the 1-year Production Tax Credit extension, a law very important to the renewable energy industry.

On February 6, 2008, the key vote on the Amendment (S.Amdt. 3983) to Economic Stimulus bill (H.R.5140) that would have extended the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for an additional 1-year fell 1 vote short of reaching the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. In a procedural move, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) changed his vote from Yes to No in order to bring up the legislation later; therefore, the final count on the vote was 58-41.

Contact your Senators regarding their vote! These bastards don’t get a free ride, we need to hold feet to fires if we really want to see anything happen.

Please contact your Senators to thank the ones who supported the PTC extension and convey your unhappiness to those who voted against the Amendment to the Economic Stimulus bill with a 1-year extension of the PTC.

A thank you letter will appear if your one of your Senators voted YES on the amendment. A letter expressing your disappoint will appear if he or she voted NO on the amendment. Click here to see how your Senators voted.

Lucky for us there is still things we can do. The house has yet to pass the FISA bill (contact them here)