Student Pugwash USA and MIT Student Pugwash
Sunday, February 17, 2008
1:00- 4:00 pm
As concern about climate change builds and global security is challenged by the ever-increasing demand for energy worldwide, policy makers and the public debate the best ways to provide sustainable energy. Nuclear power is a popular solution, but it raises concerns about environmental consequences and security risks as more countries demand this energy source. This forum will discuss the challenges that energy issues create for global security, as well as how scientists and policy makers might work together to confront these issues to promote safe, sustainable solutions for current and emerging energy problems. Expert panelists will discuss various aspects of these complex challenges, and then student participants will meet in working groups to discuss potential pathways to energy security and sustainability.
Featuring Expert Panelists:
David Hill
Deputy Laboratory Director, Science and Technology, Idaho National Laboratory
Richard Clapp
Professor, Environmental Health, Boston University School of Public Health
Steven Miller
Director, International Security Program, Belfer Center for Science in International Affairs, Harvard University (invited)
Space is limited. RSVP by Wednesday, February 13 to or 1-800-WOW-A-PUG.
Student Pugwash USA
1015 18th Street, NW
Suite 704
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-429-8900 or 1-800-WOW-A-PUG