First Impressions On Bush’s State Of The Union

presidential sealSo as I have for the last six year I just suffered through yet another Bush state of the union. Obviously the two things that interested me the most were what he said about the Iraq war and Renewable energy.

Before I get to that, lets talk about some things that he didn’t say. I didn’t hear anything about New Orleans, or the Gulf Coast. Guess he doesn’t really have anything positive to report. Maybe because he has done nothing to help that area out.

So first the Iraq war. I am pretty sure that Bush was only talking to the few people in America who still feel the Iraq war was/is a good idea. He certainly wasn’t talking to any of the Democratic party. Did he miss the fact that most of them were elected on their opposition to the same war he things is such hot shit. My view is that we will see some Republicans join with Democrats to defeat this surge idea, and move towards a resolution to this stupid war of choice.

And now the part that really perplexed me, Bush’s plan for kicking our “addiction to oil.” lets just say I was not overwhelmed with his plan to make a lot of biofuel. I do like the fact that he wants to raise CAFE standards (didn’t tell us how high), and wants to reduce our use of gasoline, he also claimed that he is going to support wind and solar which may be the first time he has ever said anything about these two technologies. The problem is he gave no specifics and he has a track record of talking big and following it up with no action.

Perhaps with his legacy hanging in the hands of Pelosi, he is offering a renewable energy olive branch to the Democratic party. The Dem’s are moving forward with their renewable energy plan and Bush had better get on board or he is going to look like an even lamer duck.

The Democratic response was amazing. Strong, to the point, intelligent and right on. This was my favorite part.

Further, this is the seventh time the President has mentioned energy independence in his state of the union message, but for the first time this exchange is taking place in a Congress led by the Democratic Party. We are looking for affirmative solutions that will strengthen our nation by freeing us from our dependence on foreign oil, and spurring a wave of entrepreneurial growth in the form of alternate energy programs. We look forward to working with the President and his party to bring about these changes.

A nicer, “up yours” was never given to anyone.

Full Text of Bush’s 2007 state of the union and the Democratic parties response below the fold.
Warning very long dont click read more unless you want the full transcript.

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