Bush Supports Wind Power (Just Not The Right One)

Bush wind turbine

George H. W. Bush, pappy to our own fearless leader, has embraced wind power. He is the proud owner of a new 33-foot-tall windmill installed at his home in Maine. The wind turbine is a Skystream 3.7 model from southwest wind power. I have seen these things close up and they have a very unique blade design, although a 33 foot tower seems a bit short, but because it is sighted on the coast of Maine it should get plenty of wind.

“After looking at the specifications, the pros and the cons, they decided that they’d give it a try,” he said.

The wind turbine, a Skystream 3.7 model, is capable of generating electricity once wind speed reaches 8 mph, said Bob Greig, president of All Season Home Improvement Co. in Augusta, which installed the windmill.

The structure can produce an estimated 400 kilowatts a month at a wind speed of 12 mph. An average household uses about 600 kilowatts a month, Greig said. (via)

So there you go, pappy Bush went and got himself a wind turbine. The strange thing is that W also has some pretty eco-friendly features on his home. It begs the question then, why has the Bush presidency has been characterized by such a lack of progress on environmental issues? If the family seems to embrace sustainable design why wouldn’t they do so as a national policy? The answer of course is because Dick Cheney and big Carbon said “over my cold dead oil covered hands” and Bush due to his lamentable puppet like nature could do not but obey.

(hat tip to Kate for the heads up)