The Ballad Of Mister Splashy Pants

Mr Splashy Pants

The Internet is a wonderful place sometimes. Seems Greenpeace is having a naming contest for a whale, and the typical crappy names have all been suggested. Words that mean peace or love or harmony in a variety of languages. Boring! The real stand out however is one Mr. Splashy Pants (in my little fantasy world I address him as Mr Splashy Pants Esq. The Third and he wears a monocle). So go vote for your favorite (that would be Mr Splashy Pants by the way), and help Greenpeace stop whaling.

The crazy thing is, our man Splashy is cleaning up (as any whale of his stature should). The whale has a face book group, I mean this is serious business. I highly suggest you vote before time runs out so you too can have a small part in this historical event.

Update: You can also support Greenpeace by getting your own Mr. Splashy Pants Swag