Seriously What Is Wrong With Congress?

The Production Tax Credit and the Small Wind Tax Credit Fail to pass the Senate, the 2-Year Production Tax Credit (PTC) extension and Small Wind Tax Credit failed to pass the Senate by 1 vote.

Yesterday, the key vote on the Reid Substitute Energy Bill Amendment that would have extended the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for an additional 2-years and created a small wind tax credit fell 1 vote short of reaching the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

An extension of the PTC would provide the industry more certainty and stability. Continuity in the federal tax credit would ensure steady growth and a stable financial environment, allowing companies to continue producing clean energy and providing thousands of new jobs.

It is vitally important that Senators understand how f’ing stupid they are when they don’t vote for this kind of thing. Lets give them an earful.

Please contact your Senators to thank the ones who supported the PTC extension and convey your unhappiness (I suggest you let them know you wont be voting for them if they continue to support big carbon at the expense of our future) to those who voted against the Reid Energy Bill Amendment with a 2-year extension of the PTC and the small wind tax credit.

A thank you letter will appear if your one of your Senators voted yes on the Reid Substitute Energy Bill Amendment. A letter expressing your disappoint will appear if he or she voted no on the amendment.