Invade Breed And Conquer – Hybrid Salamanders Taking Over In California

california hybrid salamander

Something strange is happening to the Tiger Salamander, an endangered species, and native of California. The invasive Barred Tiger Salamander has been working its whiles on the native populations, producing a swarm of hybrid salamanders. These hybrids are more likely to survive than either parent species, according to a new study.

Found in Salinas, California, the swarm of hybridized salamanders may comprise the first population of sustainable hybrids created by an interbreeding involving an endangered species, and is among the first known sustainable populations of a hybrid animal.

The conservation issues raised by the discovery of the salamander hybrid may “serve as a model” for those issues to be raised by future discoveries of hybrids created by interbreeding between an endangered species and an invasive species, says Brad Shaffer of the University of California, who is a co-author of the study. Because of advances in genetic analyses and because of increases in invasive species, Shaffer expects increasing numbers of hybrids to be discovered in the future.

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