A Dozen Tips For A Greener Autumn

red leaves in forest autumn

This is another great article from guest author extraordinary Chris Baskind of Lighter Footstep

And here it is: the turn of the season.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ve probably already noticed the first hints of autumn: a blush of color in the leaves; earlier sunsets; and cooler evenings. In just a few days, our calendars will catch up with nature, and we’ll begin the headlong rush toward winter.

Spring and autumn are the “fix-up” seasons, as we make ready for big changes in the weather. What you do over the next few weeks can make a tremendous difference to the size of your environmental footprint through the winter. So we’ve put together a few autumn to-do items to get you started. Sharpen your pencil — and start checking a few off your list!

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