Crazy Bikers

almost to the top

One of the things I like most about Bicyclists is just how crazy they can be some times. Here is a case in point. A couple days ago I wrote about a device that will take you and your bike up a steep hill, sounded pretty cool.

It turns out that in California, the steepest paved road is Fargo street, a 33% grade (that means for every 100 feet you go forward you go up 33 feet). Every year the L.A. Wheelmen hosts the Fargo Street Hill Climb, where these madmen and women try and climb up and down this monster of a hill as many times as humanly possible in a day. I can tell you from going up steep hills, this can be brutal, your legs burn, your breath is short, and you feel like at any moment you might fall off your bike, and these yahoo’s do it over and over! The record set this year was 91 times (omg!) up this beast. To put that into perspective that is 14,000 feet in only 15 miles or so.

More pictures and video below the fold.

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