New Farming Method Reduces Water Needs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

india rice

A new method to grow rice could save hundreds of billions of cubic meters of water while increasing food security, according to a study by the World Wildlife Foundation published today. (read full report here PDF)

With a focus on India – a country which faces a major water crisis, yet has the world’s largest rice cultivated area – the study found that the system of rice intensification (SRI) method has helped increase yields by over 30% — four to five tonnes per hectare instead of three tonnes per hectare, while using 40% less water than conventional methods. Rice is the main source of directly consumed calories for about half the world’s population and 90 per cent of it is produced and consumed in Asia. Contrary to popular belief, rice is not an aquatic plant and the main reason it is submerged in water is for controlling weeds.

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