Boston Area Renewable Energy Roundup

Boston wind turbine

Seeing as how I live in this fine city I figured I should start getting up to date on the local goings on renewable energy wise. With that in mind I have gathered up a couple of Boston area specific events and news items. Enjoy.

First some events:

Matthew Richards of the local TiE clean energy special interest group has organized what sounds like a very fun networking day-cruise to tour Hull Wind 1, a large local wind turbine site.

Sign up now for a tour of the Hull Wind turbine, featuring a catered lunch on a YACHT as we sail to Hull! The town of Hull hosts one of the premier coastal Wind Power facilities in the United States, earning a recent Department of Energy Wind Power Pioneer award for the program that provides more than 10% of Hull’s energy needs. Sign up now for this exclusive (and fun!) tour of Hull Wind 1, a 660-kilowatt wind turbine that is part of this innovative clean energy program! If you work (or WANT to work!) in Boston’s fast-growing clean energy industry, but have not yet seen Hull Wind 1, IT’S YOUR TURN! This tour leaves from Quincy Terminal and features a catered lunch on the Island Expedition, a full-featured harbor cruising vessel that fits up to 200 people. Enjoy food and networking, PLUS a guided tour and in-depth seminar on the science of wind power, the history of launching Hull Wind 1, and the technology innovations that are on the horizon for the wind sector. The cost for this event is $60, and the only additional cost is $1 to park at Quincy Terminal. They leave at 12pm, and dock back in Quincy Terminal at 3:15pm.

DATE: Tuesday, August 28, 2007, from 12pm – 3:15pm

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