Our Gasoline Problem

I am a big sucker for a well made graphic. Like this gem from the Economist.

gas chart

The picture points it out in such elegant simplicity but in case you don’t get it here is the basic problem. We use more gas than most of the world put together, and we charge less for it than most of them. A perfect recipe for disaster.

We have a country of people addicted to cheap oil, if (I should say when) the prices go up, we will be in big big trouble. So what does this mean? Well it means that if you are in the market for a new car you should get the most fuel efficient one you can. You might even want to think about converting your car to electric, or buying a bicycle. Buy some solar panels if you can, maybe pressure your congress person to support more wind energy. Do what you can to move us towards a renewable energy based economy. Otherwise…