Living Free


This is a story about the kind of life you can have living off what other people throw away. A story of living free. Free in the sense of no money being spent, but also free in the sense of freedom from a certain kind of system of living. Aside from the regular Monday confessionals I don’t use this blog much as a personal diary. Forgive me for this slight indulgence, but I feel that other people might be interested in learning a bit about this life and they tell you to write about what you know. So lets start the story at the beginning.

I graduated college with a computer science degree. Frankly I had no desire to get a job working in a cubicle, I wasn’t sure what to do with my life, and I was living in a situation that seemed at the time to be an endless spiral. I was spinning my wheels but going nowhere. I had no money, in fact what I had was a mountain of debt from school. I was what many people are at some point in their life, stuck.

With my apartment lease soon to be up, I started to look for a way out. I looked for jobs, first in the for-profit industry. I didn’t find anything I really wanted, so I moved to the non-profit industry. Through some magical stroke of luck I stumbled upon the AmeriCorps website. Never has one Google search so changed my life. This was it! My ticket out of the corn field. I had the skills and the desire, they provided the job and the chance to see someplace new.

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