Book Review: Cape Wind – The Book

cape wind book

Much has already been said about Wendy Williams and Robert Whitcomb’s new book Cape Wind – Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, And The Battle For Our Energy Future On Nantucket Sound (forgive me if I never ever type out that long subtitle again), but I thought I would add my own two cents.

First a little background about myself, I have lived on Cape Cod for almost 4 years now. It is a strange and wonderful place full of interesting characters, ridiculously wealthy people, and a good number of very poor ones as well. Reader be warned, do not think of me as a “Cape Cod’a”, this lofty title should only be applied to people who’s ancestors came off the mayflower (the first thing many people will tell you on Cape Cod is how long they have lived there). I have however been “lucky” enough to have been a part of most of the events outlined in the book. I was at most of the public hearings, saw most of the press conferences, even attended some of the rallies. I say all this because this obviously makes me an biased reviewer. I fully support the Cape Wind project. Taking that into consideration I will attempt to give as fair a review as possible.

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