Towns Getting Tough On Plastic Bag Waste

leaf rapids

In an effort to keep its town clean and its environment unspoiled the aptly named Canadian town of Leaf Rapids has banned retailers from using plastic bags.

This is not the first shot Leaf Rapids has fired in the battle against what is in essence a complete waste of resources. Last year they added a cost of 3 cents (Canadian) on each plastic bag. This had the effect of reducing bag use by 50,000 bags. But it was only the first blow in the battle for freedom from waste.

The town banned the bags after a Canadian company that makes reusable bags approached the town with an offer to supply reusable bags for the town. Stores who go against the ban will face a 1000 dollar fine.

From the towns website (the site makes the town look “a little two quiet” could these plastic bag avengers be hiding something?)

On April 2 2007, Leaf Rapids became the first municipality in North America to introduce By-Law legislation banning single-use plastic shopping bags. After April 2nd, cloth shopping bags will be the order of the day. Retailers who contravene the By-Law by giving away or selling single-use plastic shopping bags could be liable to a fine of up to $1000.00.

In order to assist other municipalities that might want to introduce similar legislation, Leaf Rapids provides the wording By-Law # 462. The By-Law was passed at 12:01 AM on March 22 2007.


By-Law No. 462

plastic bag waste

Now the question is how will we do this in America. I think the extra cost per bag is a great one. It would help grocery stores get back some of the cost of buying one time use bags (currently I imagine they just raise the cost of the food you buy). And it would help reduce the 4 to 5 TRILLION (yes that’s right Trillion) plastic bags used once and then thrown away world wide every year. If that won’t work you ban them outright.

That’s what happened in San Francisco.

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