Two Steps Forward One Step Back – Cape Wind Suffers Delay

computer generated view of cape wind from nantucket
Computer generated view of cape wind from Nantucket. (click for fullsize)
While the proposed Cape Wind project has passed a couple important hurdles in recent days, it seems that it is not out of the woods yet. The federal agency studying the proposed Cape Wind energy project says its review will take longer than expected a delay likely to push back a final decision on the project until the fall of 2008.

The Minerals Management Service, which is crafting guidelines for offshore renewable energy projects, said Thursday that it has pushed back plans to release its environmental review from late April to sometime late this summer.

The agency told The Cape Cod Times in a statement that its review ”was taking longer than originally expected.” Now, the agency, part of the U.S. Department of Interior, expects a final decision in the fall of 2008, rather than April 2008.

Mark Rodgers, a spokesman for project developer Cape Wind Associates, said Friday, ”Cape Wind has already undergone more review than any fossil fuel or nuclear power plant in Massachusetts, and the public pays a price delaying a project that will bring cleaner air, jobs and real action on fighting global warming.”

The developers had planned to secure financing for the project in the first quarter of 2008 and complete construction by the end of 2010. Rodgers declined to comment on how the latest delay would affect those plans. (via)

Seriously? This project has been in the works for over 5 years now. I guess I foolishly thought that with the worlds scientists warning of dire consequences if we continue to do nothing about global warming, and the fact that it has passed every environmental standard put in front of it so far, that this project would have been green lighted by the federal agencies in charge of regulating it.

2 meter sea level rise
This is what would happen to Ted Kennedy's house, after a 2 meter rise in sea level, looks like he would need a boat to get home. Want to check if your massive sea front mansion will be under water check here.

The horrific irony of it all is that if projects like this are continued to be delayed, and the American people continue to do nothing about global warming, all the rich fat cats that don’t want to have their precious view ruined will be forced to move as the ocean swallows their homes. Unfortunately the worlds poor will suffer much greater consequences than the rich view-panicked residence that oppose this project.

The Kennedy’s, the oil barons, and rich socialites will simply liquidate some bonds and move some place else. While millions of people in China, India, and the poor of America die or are displaced. Global warming is real, its caused by humans (specifically our burning of fossile fuels), its going to cause massive suffering if we do nothing, and wind energy is a very good start down the road to solving the problem. What am I missing?