Cleantech Forum Frankfurt

May 14-16, 2007
The MUST ATTEND event in the cleantech space!

We know why you attend conferences – to learn and to network. The Cleantech Venture Network®, a Cleantech Group company, is pleased to host Cleantech Forum™ XIII in Frankfurt, Germany. Cleantech Forum™ XIII is the annual cleantech investors’ conference for the European market and is convening the global cleantech investment community at a time when Europe stands at the center of technology innovation, market adoption and landmark policy framework creation.

Learn – We invite you to attend the EU Lab Showcase*. Learn where the market is headed in this review of the labs and people who are reshaping our cleantech future. Our half-day program begins with a plenary talk outlining the key trends shaping our future, continues with the interactive Showcase, and concludes with a reception where you can meet the key players. Also, the Cleantech Forumâ„¢ Frankfurt includes global thought leaders in cleantech like Bill Joy – Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Co-founder of Sun Microsystems who will discuss innovation, global investment and the burgeoning future of clean technologies.

Network – Connect with over 400 of the world’s leading pioneers driving cleantech innovation worldwide for two informative days of thought leadership and senior-level networking relevant to all asset classes, as well as screened quality European deal flow opportunities.

Join us in shaping this sector. Join with your peers in what promises to be the most significant economic opportunity of the 21st Century!

Save $200 by registering now!

You can also register for your hotel rooms at the Frankfurt Marriot at a discounted rate! Reserve your room at the Frankfurt Marriott, under the Cleantech Venture Network® room block for the discounted rates below. These rooms are guaranteed on a first-come, first-served basis until Monday, April 9.

Frankfurt Marriott
+(49) 69 7955 2222
Single/Double Occupancy

Need more information? Please contact Joe Trackwell at 810.224.4310 EXT. 7150.

Not convinced to register yet? – Check out the ABC news coverage of the Cleantech Forum™ XII in San Francisco! – Click here.

*This event requires separate registration.