Building Integrated Photovoltaic Solar School Project

kids under solar window

I wish I could have gone to a school like this. Containing 835 modules in 3 PV technologies(Copper Indium Diselenide CIS, Poly-crystalline p-Si, Amorphous Silicon a-Si) With a module area of 698 square meters, and a rated output of 40.0kW (see how much power its putting out right now). But these are just boring facts, the real magic is how nice it looks. I can see a lot of learning going on in this beautiful building.

Much more info here.

This installation is the first non-government BIPV system with grid-connection. The experiences have also contributed to establishing the Technical Guidelines on grid connection of small-scale renewable energy power systems which was published by EMSD of HKSAR Government.

The project has identified several non-technical barriers with local utility, as a result standard grid-connection fee and insurance of PV system have been offered by the utility. Split responsibility of maintenance has also been an issue since the maintenance responsibility of the BIPV system and the school structure belong to different parties.

Potential educational benefits of this system have been proved by overwhelming responses from different parties including teachers, students and the local community. Numerous educational activities on renewable energy have been developed as a result of this project.(via)

Many more pictures after the fold.

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