Monday Confessional

I will make this quick, because the forces of sleep, are about to win out over the forces of awake. I am continuing to work on a pretty big addition to The Sietch. If you are feeling brave and want to help me beta test it contact me, and let me know. I am looking for 4 or 5 beta testers to try out the new section of the site (I will give you a hint, if you like what you have seen on this site, it will let you get in the action a little more).

Earth day was really fun, it was busy around here with all the activity around canal clean up and the other earth day weekend stuff that went on. We ended up hanging out at the beach late at night around a small fire just talking and having fun. Mother nature was nice enough to deliver us from the endless rain and darkness. A little thank you from her to us I guess.

We had our home thermal image and blow door tested today, I will clean up the pictures and post something about it tomorrow morning, but it was super cool, and the guy let me play with the thermal camera a bit. We live in a really old house and you can see where they just sort of put planks of wood for no good reason, they show up as dark spots on the camera.

You can also see that we have no insulation around the outside of the home between the first and second floor. We will be fixing this by getting some contractors to come out and blow insulation in. It was a fun experience and I would recommend everyone find a qualified technician to come out and take a look at your home. Seems there are always more ways you can make your home more efficient.