Renewable Energy Roundup

Its Thursday, that means we are deep in roundup territory. I got a real good one for you this week. So lets get this roundup started!

oil and water

The largest solar power plant in Canada is going to be built in Onterio

Portland state university is planning on rolling out (ugh) vertical access turbines on four of its buildings. Come on people, lets try some real wind turbines.

The Alabama port authority is giving bio-fuels a try.

Speaking of boats and bio-fuels, check out these guys journey around the world by converting a Japanese fire engine to carry their kayaks around. Yes, these are interesting people.

New Hampshire approved unanimously today its new renewable energy standards, that call for 25 percent of its electricity to be generated from renewable resources by 2025.

Yahoo is going carbon neutral, and they want your help.

Google say, “Oh yea well check out our good for the planet stuff!”

New York’s trees are worth a cool $122 million dollars. This is not surprising as they are basically shade providing air filters for a city that gets very hot and is needs some air filtration.

tidal turbine

Speaking of New York, they just installed some nifty Tidal turbines.

Blackpool England is going to power its famouse lighted promenade with wind power, I wonder how long before Vegas gets jealous and does the same.

New wind data shows Ohio surprise! has a pretty good wind resource. (I can attest to this fact by years of “research” there)

Bio King is releasing small portable algae biofuel reactors. They make some hefty claims, but if true this could make a lot of sustainable biofuel.