If You Can’t Beat Them, Sue Them – New Lawsuit Over Cape Wind

cape cod map

Last week two “citizens” groups and the Town of Barnstable filed a notice of intent to sue Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Ian Bowles.
These groups object strongly to the recent ruling by Mr Bowles, that the Cape Wind project would not have any significant negative effects on the local environment. If you don’t like the answer mom gave you, go ask dad. Or in this case, sue mom.

They seem especially peeved about the fact that the ruling points out that there regulatory power is limited to the cable that travels through state waters, and any structures built in the Town Of Barnstable. I guess I don’t understand why they feel they can sue to gain powers they didn’t have before just because they don’t like this project. Why have jurisdictions of control at all, if you can enlarge them as you see fit. Cape Wind federal project is a project located in federal waters and as such is regulated by the federal government. The power cable that will run onto the Cape (to provide 75% of its power cleanly) however is under their jurisdiction and they can regulate the hell out of it if they want.

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