Renewable Energy Finance Forum Wallstreet


Register now for the must attend conference for the renewable energy finance industry

SAVE US$200 – Book by Friday 11 May

The 4th Renewable Energy Finance Forum-Wall Street, jointly organized by ACORE and Euromoney Energy Events, will once again provide a unique forum to network with over 600 senior level industry and financial players.

With 180+ people confirming their attendance just over the previous month, REFF-Wall Street 2007 is set to further consolidate its leading position as the renewable energy finance conference for all major players.

View the Current Attendee List by Company

The US renewable energy sector is incredibly dynamic, growing rapidly, and taking on increasing importance as further emphasis is being placed on this increasingly important energy sector as carbon constraints make their presence ever more keenly felt.

The conference will feature evaluation of the most interesting and landmark deals of 2006 and early 2007, plus detailed analysis of the most strategic opportunities in renewable energy finance and investment. It will also focus on where key investment opportunities are likely to arise over the next five years, and analysis of the latest policy drivers and new opportunities in carbon finance and energy efficiency, as these factors become increasingly important drivers of the industry going forward.

The agenda will feature keynote addresses from:

* Alexander “Andy” Karsner, Assistant Secretary for EERE, U.S. Department of Energy
* Marcel Brenninkmeijer, Chief Executive Officer, Good Energies Inc.

Plus CEO level speakers including:

* Alex Urquhart, President and CEO, GE Energy Financial Services
* Steve Westwell, Chief Executive Officer, BP Alternative Energy
* Alf Bjorseth, Chairman, Scatec AS
* Christine Ervin, President, Christine Ervin/Company
* Michael J. Ahearn, CEO and Chairman, First Solar
* Paul Gaynor, President & CEO, UPC Wind Management
* Per Hornung Pedersen, Group President, International Business, Suzlon Energy AS
* Thomas H. Werner, Chief Executive Officer, SunPower Corporation
* Dr. Yuan-Huai Simon Tsuo, Chief Executive Officer, Motech Solar

And senior level representatives from major financial players giving vital insights on their investment and financing strategies for the renewable energy industry, including:

• Goldman Sachs • Morgan Stanley • CalPERS • Winslow Management Company • Credit Suisse • Lehman Brothers • UBS Investment Bank • Citigroup • Dexia Credit Local • Nth Power LLC • Generation Investment Management • Marathon Capital • Impax Asset Management • Babcock & Brown • VantagePoint Venture Partners •

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