Monday Confessional

What a weekend. It was wonderful. I got to walk in snow with Tess, got to laugh and have fun, and slept a whole bunch on Sunday, like as many as 9 hours. So it was a relaxing weekend, but that’s just what I needed. Things are getting very busy around here, as the weather gets better it seems that more and more people want us to do projects, plus I have been starting a couple of other projects. Busy is good however because all of these projects are going to lead to more and better things. Not the least of which will be more positive change for myself and the planet.

I have been feeling like there are so many things I want to learn and do and make and see. That life is just so full of living to be done. Lucky for me I have a wonderful partner in this adventure, and friends and family to share it with, not to mention food shelter and all the other things that make life worth living. I have been really lucky in my life.

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