Big Beautiful Renewable Energy

It is well known that when it comes to energy projects, bigger is often better. With the exception of perhaps large scale hydro-power plants, most renewable energy facilities also gain benefits from being bigger. The economic and energy pay backs for these systems are often much greater when the system achieves a large scale. I was inspired by the wonderful photos in this story, and the really cool slide show, to collect these pictures of large renewable energy installations from around the world.

Wind, solar and other renewable-energy technologies that were once considered more appropriate for single homes or small communities are reaching levels of scale and centralizing that were formerly the province of coal- and gas-fired plants and nuclear reactors. In other words, green is going giant.

The companies that are building or dreaming up large projects argue that there are economies of scale to be gained.

Repower 5mw wind turbine
The offshore wind turbine REpower 5M (rotor diameter: 126 m) after its successful erection in the Scottish North Sea

Many more pictures below the fold.
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