Ask The Sietch – Help! I Need Some Cash For My Renewable Energy System

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I got this question in the comments from this post a bit ago.

I am about to build my house in wimberley, Texas, located in the Texas hill country 40 miles southwest of Austin, Texas. I would be interested in knowing if you have any programs that would supply or discount a system for my residence in exchange for my participating in an ongoing study on residential power systems. the area is well suited for this technology and cannot be supplied with natural gas as an alternative. Please respond and advise a soon as possible.

sincerely yours,
john ballard

p.s. my house will be approx. 2600 sq. ft. and will be well insulate with a masonry exterior.

Hello John I could not find any group that would be interested in installing your system as part of any study. But I have some tips. Call your local tech-school see if they are learning about renewable energy systems in their electrical or plumbing classes, if they are offer your home as a test house. Baring that you could use this list. It is a list of every program in your state that will help you get some cash for your system.

You can find these and many more incentives at your one stop shop for renewable energy incentive and efficiency information

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