10 Questions – Scott Smith VP Of Sancor Industries Makers Of Envirolet Composting Toilets

envirolet composting toilet

In the second of our “10 questions” series of interviews we are sitting down with Scott Smith, Vice President & CMO of Sancor industries Ltd. makers of Envirolet Composting Toilets. You may recognize the name Envirolet, they are the ones that produced that snappy video about composting toilets. Scott is also involved with the very cool blog Green Thinkers, and Envirolet Buzz.

1. The Naib:Could you tell me about your company? How did the company start? What got you interested in the composting toilet business?

Scott Smith: We have been manufacturing and marketing Envirolet composting toilets in Canada since 1977. My father actually started selling compost toilets back in the early 70s. He originally imported and sold systems from Scandinavia. By 1977 he had helped create his own line of composting toilets called Envirolet. How did I get into the industry? I was born in 1975, so I didn’t really have much of a choice as I was born into the business and composting toilet industry. I started hanging around the offices and production facilities by the time I was 10 and basically never left except to complete university.

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