Radar Drives Bats Crazy! – Keeps Them From Running Into Wind Turbines

bat swooping down onto water

In what should put yet another nail in the coffin of people who oppose wind farms, researchers have discovered that radar systems seem to drive bats away. Making it a possible way to keep bats from running into wind turbines. Researchers at the University of Aberdeen believe they may have found a solution to a problem that they worry will only worsen with the proliferation of wind turbines worldwide.

Leading bat experts Professor Paul Racey and Dr Barry Nicholls studied the behaviour of bats at various distances from 10 radar installations across Scotland last summer. The pair found that the bats did not forage where electromagnetic radiation from the installations could be measured.

However, the bats did forage where no radiation was detectable.

Professor Racey, Regius Professor of Natural History within the University of Aberdeen’s School of Biological Sciences, said: “We found that the bats were deterred by the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the radar installations.

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