Renewable Energy Roundup

Ohh man, I hope you have your roundup hat on, because this weeks round up is going to be slap ass awesome. So hold on to your britches and become prepared to experience all the renewable energy news that slipped through the cracks this week. Here we go!

aptera motors

Man thats a sweet ass electric/gas hybrid car, can someone say 230 mpg? Can you say 0 – 60 in 10 seconds? Wooooweee!

Can you handle, not one, but TWO algae to biodiesel plants in, not one, but TWO countries. Deal wit it yo, no diggity.

Klaus, mina light bulb is zer zer inefficient, and it makes me sad. The EU is moving away from old fashion inefficient lighting towards the new world of CFL, and whatever other new technologies can save them energy and money.

“Live Green Or Die” New Hampshire’s new governor is serious about going green.

Even though they have had their problems in the past it seems the New Zealand government is putting renewables on the fast track.

Say hello to the nations first 100% biofuel power plant. That’s right 5mw of good old fashion carbon neutral energy goodness.

Earth Race, that really cool looking biofuel powered power boat that is trying to break the world speed record for an around the world navigation seems to be having some major problems of all things with its props. They seem to have gotten what they need and are back on track but it has cost them a lot of time.

vegas solar thermal electric system

Now that’s a nice looking solar thermal system, see more pictures here.

Concentrated solar competitive with oil prices. Soon to be kicking oils rear. Nice.

Newer bigger, cheaper solar cells. Going big makes the price get smaller.

Motorola is using renewable energy to power its cell phone towers. Renewomoto?

You want adults that favor renewable energy, you need to teach children about renewable energy.

A new study shows that biodiesel wins (hard) over dino-diesel in almost every way. Duh.

People with a lot more money that I have are starting to pay real attention to renewable energy. This I think has the potential to be a very good thing. It also could end up being a not so good thing. I am taking a wait and see attitude.