Renewable Energy Roundup

Its been a busy week in the renewable world. There is only one thing to do, round up that renewable energy news!

carbon tracker

The good (and smart) people at NOAA have invented a carbon tracker that will show you where Co2 is being produced in these fine United States.

Speakign of The United States, she should accelerate development of renewable energy sources because of increased risk from terrorist attacks that could cripple the economy, former national security adviser Robert McFarlane said Saturday.

Bigelow Tea has received a lot of money from the state of Connecticut to go solar in a big way.

Speaking of solar,(and a place with lots of Tea) India is seeing its solar industry boom. Could renewable energy jobs be the key to pulling India up out of its economic woes?

Ohh now I know why oil companies don’t think global warming is a problem, all the melting ice caps seems to be providing a lot more area to drill for oil in.

rent a bike

Well I say we say “up yours” to oil companies and all ride our bikes. Paris is down with that plan.

This could be sweet! (pun intended) Juicing up your cell phone or iPod may take on a whole new meaning in the future. Researchers at Saint Louis University in Missouri have developed a fuel cell battery that runs on virtually any sugar source — from soft drinks to tree sap — and has the potential to operate three to four times longer on a single charge than conventional lithium ion batteries, they say.

If you have wind power when you don’t need it what do you do? You store it up for later.

Seems this community has figured it out, they are going renewable instead of building more coal plants. Bravo.

mr fusion

People are finding ways to make biofuel out of damn near anything these days. The latest candidate, plastic that you can recycle into biofuel. Interesting, very interesting. I wonder how long to we have to wait till we have Mr. Fusion cars like in back to the future. “Honey toss the Dunkin Donuts cups into the fuel tank I want to go pick up the kids from the playground>”