Monday Confessional


I have a new passion, and that passion is ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! The ROBOT DANCY PARTY!! (it must be written that way, sorry) is a simple game here is how you play. Listen to music (techno music, or any music with a good beat works best), look over to your friend or your loved one, and scream ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! Then you begin doing the robot, shaking your arms around, moving both feet but…Be warned! You don’t want to ramp it up too fast! Ramping it up too fast can cause the ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! to end too soon, as you will soon get worn out. You need to take it slow, ramp it up only as the music ramps up. Let yourself feel it, groove into the ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! Other helpful tips include, YOUR FINGERS!! this is when you start to do the robot with your fingers spread apart. Robots can not spread their fingers apart, and when you have a ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! neither shall you.

Obviously this is best done in large groups. Be sure to collapse into fits of hysterical giggling, as this is normal. You can have a ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! in the car, or at your home, or at work, or even on a bus with total strangers. It only takes one person to play all the roles needed for ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! but it works best with more than one person. You will need one person to supply the music, this is the music robot. You will need one person to scream ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! this is the screamer robot. If you have more than two people you can have a dancer robot, this is the person that starts doing the robot to the music supplied by the music robot, but only after the screamer robot has started with the traditional call to action. Remember don’t ramp it up too fast! I can not stress how bad it is to ramp it up too fast. If anyone else is around they can be finger minder robot and scream YOUR FINGERS!! if someone begins to do the robot with fingers spread.

Make up your own robot roles for anyone else, you could have shy robot (shybot to you and me) who is afraid to dance, friendly robot who encourages others to dance, appalled old lady robot, the possibilities are endless. ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! is probably best done in public with as many stranger robots as possible. Make sure they know the rules about ramping it up and FINGERS!! With the proper planning anyone can successfully complete a ROBOT DANCE PARTY!! Have fun and remember, collapsing into a fit of hysterical giggling is supposed to happen. Enjoy.

ROBOT DANCE PART!! on a mountain