Wind Power Brings Jobs To America – Vestas To Open Blade Factory In Colorado

vestas turbine in moon

Due to the bumper year that wind has been having in North America, it only make sense that Vestas, the worlds largest wind turbine maker, would want to located a factory here.

Based on a thorough placement analysis and in cooperation with the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade, Upstate Colorado Economic Development, the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation and the Town of Windsor, Vestas (click to here the little Vestas man talk to you) has decided to establish its first US-based blade factory in the Great Western Industrial Park in Windsor, Colorado. The decision is based on the park’s central location, as well as the direct access to rail services and a skilled workforce.

The total investment in production equipment, land and buildings is expected to amount to approx EUR 45m (approx USD 60m). Construction of the factory will begin in the spring of 2007, with the start of production planned for early 2008. At full production, the plant will have a production capacity of approximately 1,200 blades per year and the factory will employ around 400 people. (Vestas employs another 12,000 people world wide)

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